Saturday, July 21, 2012

End of Summer League, Birthday and All-State Choir Camp!

To say that this past week was hectic (but amazing!) would be an understatement. For starters, the end of summer league swimming crept up on me sooner than I would have liked it to, but I have to admit that this season was the best by far; I beat my own PR in breaststroke and even went to all-stars for the first time in the event (technically I also went last year in breaststroke, but I was an alternate who didn't get to actually swim).

Incase anyone is slightly confused on how the whole swim all-stars thing works, there are 2 meets you have to swim at and place high enough to move on to the all-star meet. I had preliminaries on Thursday, finals on Saturday and all-stars on Tuesday. I made it in every event I swam in prelims and made it in both of my team's relays and breaststroke in finals to advance to all-stars. (They take the top relay and the top 2 swimmers from each division in each individual event and I was an alternate in freestyle and the individual medley [Fly, Back, Breast, Free]). Unfortunately, I didn't place well at All-Stars (15th in breast with a total of 16 swimmers and 8th with a total of 8 relays in the medley and free relays) but that didn't matter to me (ok, maybe a little bit). I swam my best and because the majority of the girls I swam against are on their school's varsity swim team, I didn't beat myself up over it. (At the moment I only swim in the summer but I'll be starting high school swimming in the fall)

Me and my medals from Finals (ignore the messy hair... stupid humidity)

From Monday thru Thursday, I spent most of my day at a local All-State Choir Camp (with the exception of Tuesday since I had to leave early to make it to All-Stars). Basically during the camp, you get a crash course in the 8-10 pieces you'll have to sing in District, Region, Pre-Area and Area auditions for the All-State process. I have to say that this year's music is so beautiful, although some of the rhythms and the words were hard for me to catch onto. (I cannot sing in Czech or German to save me life...) Surprisingly, I was able to stay plantstrong at camp without packing my lunch everyday since I was afraid that all that would be available were burgers and grease-laden pizza, but thankfully there was a salad bar line that even had beans (This actually shocked me, don't know why though) and oil-free dressing options (soy sauce and red wine vinegar). Additionally, there was a seasonal fruit bar and grab and go fruits such as apples, bananas and oranges.

On Wednesday I turned 17 but I didn't do anything special to celebrate (unless you call singing all day, working out and eating a delicious vegan cookie from Vegeria "special"). [by the way, the cookie was DELICIOUS, but ridiculiously sweet. It might just be that I very seldomly eat sweets since fruit is sweet enough for me on its own]

(p.s. I actually bought the cookie back in June at Vegeria's booth at Vegfest Houston, but stuck it in the freezer when I got home. Also, I'm not 100% sure what kind of cookie it was, but it was some kind of chocolate chip hemp cookie made with garbanzo flour.)

Tomorrow marks the day where I leave for Vancouver, Whistler, Maui and Kauai for 2 and 1/2 weeks on vacation. I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog as I go (meaning that I might be blogging when I get back or at least blog about the Canada part of my trip while I'm in Hawaii). I've got a carry-on filled with plantstrong meals and snacks just incase my parents decide to be super cheap and eat fast food the majority of our trip. (pictured below)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Plantstrong weekend in the Alamo City: Part 2

I apologize about the delay in postings, but here's the second and final part of the post:

On Saturday morning, my aunt and I woke up bright and early to head into town for our 5K run/walk at 8am. I didn't want to have much a breakfast, but at the same time I didn't want to risk running on an empty stomach, so I grabbed a banana as we headed out the door. (The ultimate runner's fuel!)

I'm going to be flat-out honest: I'm not a runner whatsoever. I throw discus in track and field and swim competitively, but swimming endurance and running endurance are two seperate things. Yes, I had to run a 5K in 8th grade for a wellness class I was taking, but that was with over 9 weeks of training, but this time around I would be running another over 2 years later with zero training. Surprisingly, I only walked through the water break stops.

I clearly remember running the last 200 yards and seeing the time flashing before me. I told myself that I refused to finish in more than 30 minutes, so when I saw that the clock read 29:50 at the last 100 yards or less, I dashed down the hill past the finish and completed the race in 30 minutes flat. Speaking from a general standpoint, 30 minutes for a 5K isn't fast at all (roughly 10 min/mile) but keep in mind that I didn't train and I never run more than maybe a lap for warmups for track or less for swimming drylands. Even when I did train for 5K, it took me 33:30 to complete the race. PLANT STRONG,  FTW! :D (yes, that was totally necessary)

After we were done with our 5K, we drove to Twin Sisters Bakery to have a substansial breakfast. My aunt and I both went for the oatmeal; I ordered mine with apples and walnuts and my aunt had hers with raisins and walnuts. To wash it all down, I had a small glass of soymilk and plenty of ice-cold water.

The rest of our day consisted of lunch at Kona Grill (they even have a vegan menu now!) and shopping at the Shops at La Cantera well into the late afternoon. I ended up spending the majority of my spending money on some plantstrong "summer reading" books (Blissful Bites; Keep it Simple, Keep it Whole; The China Study; The Starch Solution and Neal Barnard's book for Reversing Diabetes [[which actually was my dad's father's day present but I ended up reading it before giving the book to him]]) and the remainder on some cute clothes from American Eagle and Forever 21. Once we returned home, we were more than ready for dinner and started to prepare  homemade veggie pizzas. (We used the whole wheat pizza dough recipe from Additionally, I prepared a simple raw kale salad made with dinosaur kale, lemon juice, avocado and a bit of sea salt to go along with the pizza.

Everything came together beautifully and we each enjoyed our salad and pizza while we watched the San Antonio Spurs take on the Oklahoma City Thunder. (To be honest, I'm not a fan of basketball, whether it is college or professional, but felt it was necessary to support the "hometown" team) I also enjoyed a cup of Amande almond milk yogurt I had bought the night before at Whole Foods (picture was in the last post)

Sunday was slow-paced in comparison to the rest of the weekend, but I still enjoyed the quality time spent with my aunt. We woke up and went to a farmer's market down the street a little ways with her Australian Shepard, Chica and purchased more local/organic vegetables and fruits then we knew what to do with. Fortunately, we were able corporate most of the produce we had purchased into our dinner that evening, and whatever we were not able to use went home in my carry-on. (Fredericksburg peaches are HEAVEN ON EARTH. Forget Georgia peaches, Texas Hill Country is where it's at!)


To close off our weekend together, me and my aunt sat down and watched my Forks Over Knives DVD. I had seen the film at least 3 times already before sitting down and watching it with my aunt, but let's face it, it doesn't ever get old. By the time the movie had concluded, my aunt seemed convinced and had told me that she was interested in trying out a plantstrong diet. I was estatic that I had finally convinced someone in my family to eat more plants, since my parents have been quite hesistant.

It was great getting away from home to spend time with my aunt in the beautiful city of San Antonio. I can't wait to go back in the near future to continue our plant-strong adventures together! :)

Here's a picture of our plant-strong dinner creation (not all of my dinner is in the picture because I kept taking bites of a little bit of everything so we wouldnt' be late getting to the airport):

P.S. I promise I will do my best to post on a more regular basis (once a week or every 2 weeks at the minimum, if not more often) since I currently don't have to worry about completing SAT's for homework every week.